
E-Invoicing in Sweden

9 February 2023

Ensuring Compliance

Discover everything you need to know about mandatory e-invoicing in Sweden. Stay ahead of the game with this comprehensive guide.

Mandatory e-invoicing in Sweden

Mandatory e-invoicing in Sweden for central public entities began in 2008. Authorities extended the mandate in 2019 to cover municipal and regional administrators.

Public administrators’ suppliers are also required to send electronic invoices.

The Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) is now reviewing how it can leverage VAT digitalization to minimize VAT fraud and reduce the administrative burden for businesses.

While B2B eInvoicing is voluntary, Swedish companies and private businesses stand to benefit massively by setting up the infrastructure to enable them to send and receive e-invoices.

Unimaze takes a closer look at the latest developments regarding e-invoicing in Sweden and the steps B2B operators can take to prepare for the imminent mandatory e-invoicing. Unimaze takes a closer look at the latest developments regarding e-invoicing in Sweden and the steps B2B operators can take to prepare for the imminent mandatory e-invoicing.

E-Invoicing in Sweden: A Quick Overview

E-Invoicing/CTC Model

  • B2G: Peppol
  • B2B: Post-Audit

Mandatory Infrastructure

  • B2G: Peppol
  • B2B: Not Applicable

Mandatory e-Invoice Format

  • B2G: PEPPOL BIS 3.0 – Svefaktura - SFTI ESAP 6 Fulltextfaktura
  • B2B: Not Applicable

Issuing Mandate

  • B2G: Central Public Administrators, Municipal and Regional Administrators, Suppliers for Public Administrators
  • B2B: No Clear-cut Requirements

Receiving Mandate

  • B2G: All Contracting Authorities
  • B2B: The Buyer Has to Give Consent

Digital Signature

Not Required

Archiving Abroad

Allowed under specific conditions

Archiving Period

7 Years

E-Invoicing in Sweden: The Timeline


The Swedish government establishes the Agency for Digital Government (DIGG) to steer digitalization in the public sector.

Besides coordinating public sector digitalization, the agency is tasked with implementing e-invoicing. Soon after, electronic B2G invoicing becomes mandatory.


Contracting authorities and entities in Sweden are mandated to start processing e-invoices in Peppol BIS Billing 3.0 format, as per the European standard EN 16931.


The Swedish Tax Agency discusses the possibility of implementing Digital Reporting Requirements (DRR) with relevant stakeholders. These include SAF-T, VAT listings, and Continuous Transaction Controls (CTC), such as mandatory electronic invoicing and real-time invoice reporting.

What Does Digital Reporting Requirements (DRR) Adoption in Sweden Mean?

Even though B2B electronic invoicing in Sweden isn’t mandatory yet, the proposal to implement DRR points toward the following:

Universal Business Digitalization is Coming: The Swedish government is keen on helping streamline businesses' operations through real-time invoice reporting.

Mandatory e-Invoicing is Imminent: B2B companies and private businesses may not be obligated to send and receive e-invoices, but that’s likely to change in the future.

Skatteverket aims to improve Swedish businesses' tax compliance, which will intensify the agency’s drive for mandatory e-invoicing in the B2B sector and the adoption of the international Peppol standard.

A Shift Toward Transaction-based Reporting: The Swedish Tax Agency’s push for countywide digitalization is fueled by the need to curb tax evasion and create an enabling environment for e-reporting and e-invoicing in Sweden.

How to Send Supplier e-Invoices in Sweden

The Agency for Digital Government (DIGG) and Single Face to Industry (SFTI) directs that all suppliers to the Swedish public sector provide e-invoices according to Peppol BIS Billing 3.0.

Sending e-invoices through the Peppol network

Suppliers using the Svefaktura BIS 5A 2.0 must switch to a system that supports Peppol e-invoicing.

You’ll need to do the following:

  • Contact Unimaze, a reliable and experienced Peppol Access Provider in Sweden, to connect you to the Peppol network.
  • Configure your accounting system to support Peppol electronic invoicing.

Unimaze offers innovative e-invoicing solutions that allow your organization to send and receive e-invoicing without overhauling your current accounting system or EPR program.

How Much Will It Cost You to Send e-Invoices Via the Peppol Network?

Unimaze offers customized electronic invoicing packages depending on your company’s needs. Contact us to talk for a tailored quote.

Sending e-invoices through an invoicing portal

If you don’t send a lot of e-invoices often, you can check if your public sector customer has an invoicing portal. That way, you can comply with the law as long as you send a handful of e-invoices to the public sector.

8 Reasons Unimaze is your #1 Access Point Provider in Sweden

Unimaze is a leading e-invoicing solution provider with a proven track record of success spanning over 20 years. Here’s why you should partner with us for e-invoicing needs in Sweden

1. Compliance with Swedish Regulations

Unimaze’s cloud e-invoicing solution complies with relevant e-invoicing requirements in Sweden, Peppol BIS 3.0, and specific e-invoicing regulations.

2. Seamless Interoperability

Unimaze provides an e-invoicing infrastructure that allows you to connect your current systems to your suppliers easily to ensure smooth e-invoicing transactions.

3. Guaranteed Security

E-invoicing involves sensitive financial information, so security is a top priority for Unimaze.

We provide robust security measures, including encryption, secure data transfer, and user authentication, to safeguard your financial information and that of your clients.

4. User-friendly Interface

Unimaze’s platform is user-friendly and easy to use to minimize the time and resources required to onboard your accounts team and implement e-invoicing.

5. Easy Integration with Existing Systems

Unimaze offers APIs that seamlessly integrate your existing financial, procurement, and accounting systems, including Uniconta, Xero, Navision, Microsoft Dynamics SAP, and Business Central.

6. Technical Support

We offer top-tier and reliable technical support if you encounter any issues.

7. Customized e-Invoicing Packages

Unimaze offers different e-invoicing solutions packaged in a way that ensures you get a reasonable deal that fits your budget.

8. A Long History of Delivering Results

We have been around for quite some time. Hence, we understand the challenges of e-invoicing and have consistently delivered results to our customers over the years.

Digitalize Your Invoicing Process with Unimaze

Unimaze is a forward-thinking and experienced Peppol access point provider equipped to help businesses of all sizes in Sweden implement eInvoicing.

With our extensive background in the field, a proven track record of success, and a wealth of knowledge and expertise, Unimaze has the skills and resources necessary to ensure a seamless and efficient transition to e-invoicing.

To start digitalizing your invoicing process in readiness for the mandatory electronic invoicing in Sweden, get in touch with our e-invoicing specialist today.

The expert will ask you a few questions about your business to determine which solution serves you best.

e-Invoicing in Sweden — FAQs

How Do I Make an Invoice in Sweden?

An invoice in Sweden should include the following information:

  1. Invoice date: The date on which the invoice was issued.
  2. Invoice number: A unique identifier for the invoice.
  3. Your business name and address: The name and address of the company issuing the invoice.
  4. Customer's name and address: The name and address of the person or company being invoiced.
  5. Description of goods or services: A detailed description of the goods or services invoiced.
  6. Quantity and price: The number of units of each item being invoiced and the price for each unit.
  7. Total amount due: The customer owes the total amount for the goods or services provided.
  8. Payment terms: The due date and any relevant payment methods.
  9. VAT: If you are a VAT-registered business, you should include the VAT amount and rate on the invoice.

Is Sweden in the EU for VAT?

Sweden is part of the European Union (EU) and, therefore, is subject to EU VAT rules.

As a result, businesses in Sweden must register for VAT and charge VAT on the goods and services they sell.

The standard VAT rate in Sweden is 25%. However, there are different VAT rates for certain types of goods and services, such as food, books, and cultural events, which have a reduced VAT rate of 12%.

It's important to ensure that you correctly apply the correct VAT rate on your invoices to avoid any penalties or fines from the Swedish Tax Agency.

Do I Charge VAT on an Invoice to Sweden?

It depends on your business and the nature of your goods or services.

If you are a VAT-registered business in the EU, you will need to charge VAT on your invoices to customers in Sweden unless the customer is also VAT-registered in Sweden. In this case, the customer can claim the VAT as input tax on their returns.

If you are not VAT-registered in the EU, you will not be required to charge VAT on your invoices to customers in Sweden.

However, you may still need to register for VAT in Sweden if you meet certain criteria, such as providing services in Sweden or making distance sales to consumers in Sweden. In this case, you will need to charge Swedish VAT on your invoices.

It's essential to consult a tax professional or the Swedish Tax Agency for guidance on your specific circumstances.

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